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  • The Bureau's main office is located at 6 Winchester Road, Kingston 10
  • The Regional Centres are located in Manchester, St Ann, Westmoreland and St James
  • In addition to general and direct telephone lines to the Bureau, customers are able to access information on our services by contacting:

Web site:

The Bureau conducts customer service surveys regularly to identify and address areas in which our service to customers needs improvement.

 A suggestion box is placed in the lobby area at key locations. We invite your feedback on the quality of service provided and welcome suggestions for improvement. Please place your suggestion in the nearest available box. Call or write to the Executive Director at:

The Bureau of Standards
6 Winchester Road 
Kingston 10 
Tel: 926-3140-5 
Fax: 929-4736

Contact Us

Bureau of Standards Jamaica
6 Winchester Road, Kingston 10, Jamaica
Tel: (876) 618-1534, (876) 632-4275


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